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1. Scope and Object of the General Conditions of the Store 

These General Conditions are intended, with the order form, and the other elements referred to therein, to regulate the terms and conditions ;es why are governed; the provision of the Online Store Service Golfejardim, Sociedade de Equipamentos Lda. by Golfejardim, headquartered at Rua Manuel Viegas Guerreiro, 276-A / 8135-016 Almancil, Portugal, under the unique registration number and corporate identification number 501374302, with capital ;social security of 2,000,000€, hereinafter referred to as Golfejardim. 

The Service consists of making it available, through the address de acesso à Online Store which, in addition to providing information regarding a set of products and/or services, allows the User, electronically, to order the products disclosed therein, under the terms and conditions; are described here. 

The order of products must be made by Users aged 18 (eighteen) years or over (individuals under the age of of their representatives). The elements and information transmitted by the User will enjoy full legal effect, the User recognizing the electronic purchases, and the User cannot claim the lack of signature for non-compliance with the obligations ;s assumed. 

The values ​​shown include VAT and other legal fees in force.

2. Product Information and Contents

Golfejardim will make it; everything possible so that the information presented does not contain typographical errors, and will be quickly corrected whenever they occur. If you purchase a product that has different characteristics às presented online, you have the right to proceed à resolution of the purchase contract under the applicable legal terms (right of free resolution - see point 9). 

Golfejardim will make it; everything possible to send all the products ordered, but é It is possible that, in certain cases and due to causes that are difficult to control, such as human errors or incidents in the information systems, it is not possible to provide any of the products requested by the User. If any product is not available after placing the order, it will be; notice, by e-mail or by telephone. At that moment you will be presented the possibility of canceling the order with the respective refund, if already á has made the corresponding payment. 

All information about prices, products, specifications, promotional actions and services may be changed at any time. moment by Golfejardim. 

Golfejardim promotional coupons are issued in value or in the form of a discount exclusively on products purchased in the online store, excluding shipping. The use of promotional coupons at checkout é valid within the period defined in its issue, minimum purchase value (if any) and the value/discount attributed. If it has not been used until; à deadline, it loses its validity and the value/discount is not renewed or refunded by Golfejardim. The coupon are only powerá be used only once; time, in a purchase whose value of the product(s) is greater than the value of the coupon.

Photographs of the products are not contractual.

3. Responsibilities 

3.1 All products and services sold in the Online Store are in accordance with Portuguese Law. 

3.2 The Store has adequate security levels, however Golfejardim will not be; responsible for any damage suffered by the User and/or by third parties, due to delays, interruptions, errors and suspensions of communications that originate from factors beyond its control, namely, any deficiencies or failures caused by the communications network or communications services provided by third parties, by the computer system, by the modems, by the connection or possible computer viruses or resulting from the download (“download”) through the service of infected files or containing viruses or other properties that may affect the User's equipment. If, for any reason, there is an error in accessing the electronic site of the Online Store, it is impossible to provide the service, Golfejardim will not be able to provide the service; responsible for any damages. 

3.3 The data and information queries carried out within the scope of this Service are presumed to have been carried out by the User, Golfejardim declining any liability arising from the use; Abusive or fraudulent information obtained. 

3.4 Golfejardim will not be; responsible for any loss or damage caused by abusive use of the Service that is not directly attributable to you as willful or gross negligence. 

3.5 Golfejardim is not; responsible for the losses or damages resulting from the non-compliance or defective performance of the Service when this is not directly or indirectly attributable to him as intent or gross negligence, not being responsible for:

  • errors, omissions or other inaccuracies relating to the information provided through the Service;
  • damage caused by the fault of the User or third parties, including infringements of intellectual property,
  • for non-compliance or defective compliance resulting from compliance with judicial decisions or administrative authorities or
  • for non-compliance or defective compliance that results from the occurrence of situations of force majeure, that is, situations of an extraordinary nature or unpredictable, outdoors à Golf Garden and which cannot be controlled by it, such as fires, power cuts, explosions, wars, riots, civil insurrections, government decisions, strikes, earthquakes, floods; es or other natural cataclysms or other situations not controllable by Golfejardim that prevent or hinder the fulfillment of the obligations assumed. 

3.6 Golfejardim does not guarantee that: 

  • the Service is provided uninterruptedly, is secure, error-free or runs infinitely; 
  • the quality of any product, service, information or any other material purchased or obtained through the Service meets any expectations of the User in relation to the Service;  
  • any material obtained in any way through the use of the Service é used at the User's own risk, who are solely responsible for any damage caused to their computer system and equipment or for any loss of data resulting from such operation
  • no advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by the User from or through the Service will create; any warranty that is not expressed in these General Conditions. 

3.7 The User accepts that Golfeardim cannot in any way be held liable for any damages, including, but not limited to damages for loss of profits, data, content ;dos, or any other losses (even if previously advised by the User about the possibility of such damages), resulting from: 

  • the use or impossibility of using the Service;
  • the difficulty of obtaining any substitute for goods/services;
  • unauthorized access or modification access to personal databases. 

4. Consumer Obligations 

4.1. The user undertakes to: 

  • Provide personal data and correct addresses; 
  • Do not use false identities; 

4.2. If any of the data is incorrect, that is, insufficient, and for this reason there is a delay or impossibility in the processing of the order, or eventual non-delivery, the responsibility é of the User, and Golfejardim declines any responsibility. In case the consumer violates any of these obligations, Golfejardim reserves the right to eliminate future purchases, block access à store, cancel the provision of any other services made available at the same time by Golfejardim to the same User; and also not allow the User's future access to any or all services provided by Golfejardim. 

4.3. É It is expressly forbidden to use the products and services acquired for commercial purposes, namely for the purpose of reselling goods. 

5. Privacy and Protection of Personal Data 

5.1. Golfejardim guarantees the confidentiality of all data provided by Users. 

5.2. The personal data identified in the order form as being mandatory to provide are essential à Service provided by Golfejardim. The omission or inaccuracy of the data provided by the User is his sole and entire responsibility and may give rise to à refusal to provide the Service by Golfejardim. 

5.3. The User's personal data will be processed and stored by computer and are intended to be used by Golfejardim within the scope of the contractual and/or commercial relationship with the User and, in case of authorization by the User. 

5.4. Pursuant to applicable legislation, é guaranteed to the User, without additional charges, the right to access, rectify and update their personal data, directly or upon written request, as well as the right to object à their use for the purposes set out in the previous number, for which purpose you must contact the entity responsible for processing personal data: dpo@golfejardim .pt 

5.5. The Internet é an open network, whereby the User's personal data, other personal information and all the content hosted on the Service may circulate on the network without security conditions, running, including , the risk of being accessible and used by unauthorized third parties, and Golfejardim cannot be held responsible for such access and/or use. 

6. Canceling orders 

6.1 At the User's request:
The User may; cancel your order by requesting it à Golfejardim through the telephone number or e-mail referring the order number, which will be; accepted as long as it has not yet been processed. After processing, Golfejardim will try to; deliver the same, but the User has the option of not accepting it. 

For the purpose of cancellation, the User must; enter the following data à Golfjardim: 

a) Order number 

b) NIF with which you placed the order and delivery address 

6.2 By decision of Golfejardim:
Golfejardim reserves the right not to process orders when there is any inconsistency in the personal data presented or observe má conduct on the part of the buyer. Golfejardim reserves the right not to process any order or refund, in the event of errors in the values ​​and/or characteristics of the products, when these arise from technical problems or errors. others à Golfjardim. 

7. Return (Right of Resolution) 

7.1. The User, in the case of being a consumer, may exercise the right of withdrawal without any compensation being demanded, within 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the consumer acquires possession. good physics. 

To exercise this right, the User may; use the draft indicated below, indicating all your identification data, the subscribed service you intend to resolve and the subscription date. The communication must; be made, by letter, through the return of the acquired good, or by other suitable means and susceptible of proof within the period defined above. 

The consumer must, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of communication of the resolution, return the goods à Golfjardim in the proper conditions of use. 

Draft for free resolution form (you must complete and return this form if you want to terminate the contract). 

The package must be returned complete, as it was delivered and accompanied by all the documentation received, namely the following documents: sales invoice and the document proving the receipt of the product. The packaging and documents indicated must be sent free of charge to the following address: 

Golfejardim, Sociedade Equipamentos Lda. 
Rua António Sergio, nº 64 
8135-115 Almancil, Portugal 

If the User chooses other forms of return, the respective shipping costs will be their responsibility. 

7.2. After receiving the return at Golfejardim, it will be The amount corresponding to the amount paid for the product(s) of the order (amount on the sales invoice) will be returned to the User, not refunding, however, the cost of postage, this cost being the customer's responsibility. If you have used a promotional discount code (coupon or other), this value will not be valid; refunded, that is, the refund will be only for the amount actually paid. 

7.3. The method of refunding the amount to be returned depends on the payment method used in the respective order. In the case of credit card payments, these are credited to the respective accounts. In other cases, when é provided NIB information, the refund is made to the indicated bank account. Otherwise, the refund é made by check to the billing address. The refund é carried out untilé 14 days after the receipt of the will for free resolution and the receipt of the return of the good. 

7.4. In the absence of any of the components of the item sold or, if any of them are not in an excellent state of conservation, there will be no no refund of the price or postage, and the product will be sent back to the original shipping address. 

8. Manufacturing defect 

8.1. In the event of a "manufacturing defect", that is, when faults are detected in equipment that, in principle, do not fall within the scope of the respective warranty, the User must; return the equipment, together with a copy of the invoice and the “Request for Exchange/Return of Equipment” completed, within a maximum period of 30 consecutive days from the invoice date, to the following address: 

Golfejardim, Sociedade Equipamentos Lda. 
Rua António Sergio, nº 64 
8135-115 Almancil, Portugal 

If the User chooses other forms of return, the respective shipping costs will be their responsibility. 

8.2. In order for the product to be exchanged, you must; ensure that the packaging is complete (box, instruction manual, warranty certificate, ends l and accessories) containing all the components that constitute it, in excellent condition. 

8.3. In the absence of any of the elements mentioned above, or if any of the components are not in an excellent state of conservation, there will be no exchange, and the product will be sent back to the User. 

9. Warranty 

9.1. All equipment available in the Store is duly certified by the competent international entities. 

9.2. The equipment and accessories have a warranty period defined by the manufacturer, which under legal terms is at least 3 (three) years, pursuant to Decree-Law No. 84/2021 of 18 of October. This period é considered from the date of the equipment invoice and só can be exercised upon presentation of the guarantee certificate and/or proof of purchase (invoice) duly filled in. 

9.3. Equipment that has exceeded the period defined by the manufacturer or has defects caused by abnormal wear, improper installation, bad weather, electrical discharges is considered out of warranty. , negligence or accidents, mishandling, infiltration of moisture/liquids, use of non-original accessories and technical interventions by unauthorized personnel . 

9.4. If the equipment breaks down, and if it is covered by the warranty, the User mayá go with the same, and respective proof of purchase and/or warranty, to a technical assistance center of the brand. 

9.5. The accessories covered by the guarantee, which break down, must be sent, with the respective proof of purchase and/or guarantee, to the following address: 

Golfejardim, Sociedade Equipamentos Lda. 
Rua António Sergio, nº 64 
8135-115 Almancil, Portugal

If the User chooses other forms of return, the respective shipping costs will be their responsibility. The User must always request the CTT receipt that proves that the order has been sent. 

9.6. If the equipment breaks down and this fault is not covered by the warranty, the User may; go with the same, and respective proof of purchase, to a technical assistance center of the brand. 

10. Intellectual Property 

10.1. The é a registered website and the Service provided by the website é Golfejardim's responsibility. 

10.2. The User acknowledges that the Service contains confidential information and is confidential; protected by copyright and related rights, industrial property and 
other applicable legislation. 

10.3. The User acknowledges that any content appearing in the advertising, feature, promotion or mention of any sponsor or advertiser is; protected by copyright and related rights laws, industrial property laws and other property protection laws, so any use of such content may only be used; occur under the express authorization of the respective holders. 

10.4. The User undertakes to fully respect the rights referred to in the previous number, namely refraining from performing any acts that may violate the law or said rights, such as reproduction, commercialization, transmission or placement à public disposal of such contents or any other unauthorized acts having as their object the same contents. 

11.Service Security Conditions

11.1. The User undertakes to observe all applicable legal provisions, namely, not to practice or encourage the practice ofillegal or offensive acts, such as the indiscriminate sending of unsolicited communications (spamming) in violation of the provisions of the legislation applicable to the processing of personal data and advertising communications through automatic call devices, and must also observe the rules for using the Service, under penalty of Golfejardim suspending or deactivating the Service; o under the terms set out in point 14. 

11.2. The User expressly acknowledges and accepts that the IP Network constitutes a public electronic communications network that can be used by several users, and as such, subject to information overload. , so Golfejardim does not guarantee the provision of the Service without interruptions, loss of information or delays. 

11.3. Golfejardim also does not guarantee the provision of the Service in situations of unpredictable overload of the systems on which it is supported or of force majeure (situations of extraordinary or unpredictable, exterior to the Golfjardim and which cannot be controlled by the same). 

11.4. In case of interruption in the provision of the Service due to unforeseeable overload of the systems on which it is supported, Golfejardim undertakes to regularize its operation as soon as possible. possible. 

12. Suspension and deactivation of the Loja Service

12.1. Regardless of any prior or subsequent communication, Golfejardim may, at any time, and in its sole discretion, discontinue providing the Service and or part of the Service to one or all Users. 

12.2. Golfejardim also reserves the right to suspend or immediately terminate access to the Service, in the following cases: 

a) When the User does not observe the conditions of use referred to in point 4 and others referred to in the General Conditions;&nbsp ;

b) When Golfejardim ceases access à Store, upon prior notice 15 days in advance of the date of termination. 

12.3. The suspension or termination of the Service by Golfejardim, under the terms of the previous numbers, does not matter the right of the User or third parties to any indemnity or other compensation , and Golfejardim cannot be held responsible or in any way encumbered, for any consequence resulting from the suspension, cancellation, cancellation of the Service. 

13. Communications

13.1. Without prejudice to other forms of communication provided for in these General Conditions, the notifications made to the User that relate to the Service, including any changes and seriousness; The present General Conditions may be sent to the User's e-mail address, by SMS or telephone contact. 

13.2. The User agrees to receive any and all communication and/or notification related to the Online Store, to the address, contact telephone number and/or e-mail address (“e-mail”) indicated in the ordering process. 

At any time, you can request not to receive these communications and/or notifications through the Contact Form or through the Contact Form. s of the option of the option “Do not receive the Newsletter” subscribed to each Newsletter. 

14. Technical Settings 

14.1. Without prejudice to the provisions of the following number, Golfejardim may; change the Service and/or the technical conditions for its provision, as well as the respective usage rules. 

14.2. The version currently in force of these General Conditions and their annexes is available on the website 

15. Communications

15.1. Whenever Golfejardim deems it necessary or convenient to optimize the navigation experience and/or improve connectivity conditions, it may remotely overhaul network settings. 

15.2. Without prejudice to the provisions of the following numbers, and bearing in mind the innovative nature of the Service and the technological developments that may occur; subject, Golfejardim caná change the technical settings of the same whenever this proves to be convenient to adapt it to possible technological developments. 
15.3. Golfejardim does not, however, guarantee the User the performance of any upgrades or improvements to the Service. 

15.4. Some upgrades or new features of the Service may only be available against payment by the User and/or subscription, by the User, of Specific Conditions of Use.&nbsp ;
16. Complaints

16.1. The User may submit any contractual disputes to the arbitration and mediation mechanisms that are or will be legally constituted, as well as complain to Golfejardim of acts and omissions that violate the provisions applicable laws à acquisition of goods. 

16.2. The claim must be be presented within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days, counted from the knowledge of the facts by the User, being registered in the information systems of Golfejardim that must; decide the claim and notify the interested party within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days, counting from the date of its receipt. 

17. Applicable Law

The Contract is governed by Portuguese law. 
NIF: 501374302

Rua Manuel Viegas Guerreiro, 276-A Estrada da Fonte Santa
8135-016 Almancil, Portugal < /p>

lat: 37º 05'00"N lon: 8º 02'46"W 

Administrative Services and Warehouse:
Rua António Sergio, no 64 8135-115 Almancil, Portugal 
lat: 37° 05'12"N lon: 8° 01'26"W 

Monday to Friday:
9:00 am > 1 pm | 14:00 > 18:00 

+351 289 390 990 (Call to the national fixed network)



Deadlines and conditions for delivery of products / services to the various destinations; 

Delivery Region:
We ship to Mainland Portugal and Islands. 

Delivery time is é counted in working days, that is, it does not include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 

The delivery time of the products varies according to the region, also depending on the approval of your payment. After confirming the payment, your order takes from 1 (one) to 2 (two) business days to be separated, after this period, the term of the carrier is added. < /p>

The period for carrying out the exchange depends on the availability of the product in stock. We will inform you by email or phone. 

In case of any delay, please contact us after 10 (ten) business days after the posting date so that we can trigger the responsibility; available for deliveries. After 30 (thirty) days from the date of posting, it is not possible to register the complaint.

Arbitration Center and RAL (Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution)

According to the provisions of Law No 144/2015 of 8 September, the Arbitration Center competent for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes: CIMAAL : Ninho de Empresas Building, Estrada da Penha, 8005-131 Faro - Tel.: 289 823 135 - E-mail: 

Out-of-court dispute resolution for consumers

In addition to the electronic complaints book, Arbitration Centers and Consumer Disputes in Portugal, the European Commission has established a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution. This enables consumers to first resolve disputes relating to their online order without taking legal action. The dispute resolution platform can be accessed by following the external link:

We endeavour to resolve any differences of opinion arising from our contract amicably. Beyond this, we are not obliged to participate in any arbitration proceedings, and we regret that we cannot offer you the opportunity to participate in such proceedings.

Our email address is